Total Intimacy: A Guide to Loving by Color


Total Intimacy: A Guide to Loving by Color


1,304 円 (税抜き)

TOTAL INTIMACY and loving by color can inspire a rich, vibrant sex life! Loving by color beautifully creates a picture of marital love reflective of God’s true design---a balanced, complete intimacy that fosters play, trust, communication, anticipation, laughter, and sexual fulfillment. Couples can now share a language to assist them in intentionally practicing and including each of the colors that represent a crucial category of intimacy. All three colors combine to kindle the synergy of Total Intimacy and an exciting marriage with amazing lovemaking. The colors include: the Green intimacy of a bonding intimate companionship; the Purple intimacy of coupling as sensuous, romantic lovers with delightful flirting; and the Orange intimacy of erotic playmates and passionate lovemaking. A primary purpose of Total Intimacy: A Guide to Loving by Color is to transform blocked or disappointing lovemaking into a richly satisfying experience and to rebuild sexual intimacy after the trauma of sexual abuse or infidelity. Wives are encouraged to find their own sexual voice, as spouses embrace their unique desire for sexual connecting---and to encourage wise husbands to listen for her voice. In addition, it is a great read for reigniting a sex life grown stale or adding sparks to an already fun and fulfilling love life.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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