How To Look Pretty Not Plastered A Step-by Step Make-up Guide to Looking Great!


How To Look Pretty Not Plastered A Step-by Step Make-up Guide to Looking Great!


1,679 円 (税抜き)

This easy-to-follow guide shows how you can achieve that flawless and pretty look, but stay natural and real at the same time. This book will show you how to: * Look after your skin so that it looks healthy and beautiful. * Apply your foundation perfectly to contour your face. * Emphasise your eyes for a natural or a smokey evening look. * Choose your lip colour and apply your lipstick. * Match your make-up to your prom dress or party clothes. * It also includes make-up tips and must-haves for your handbag. / Author Emily says: I have written this book to teach you the art of applying perfect makeup, and to help you create the right look for you, your skin and most importantly your age.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Author -follow achieve includes handbag