A Most Unusual Era


A Most Unusual Era


675 円 (税抜き)

When the author of these short stories, Effie Munday entered the world, Agatha Christie books had just hit the shelves, Charlie Chaplin was big star and work had just begun on Sydney Harbour Bridge. She has welcomed the invention of the radio, mastered the technology of the television and now taps away at a computer. She lived in an era that most of us can now only read about. Hers was the simple life of a country girl in south-east Queensland, until World War II changed things. It was a most unusual era. That saw World War I, the Great Depression, Stock Markets crashing. It was a time of remote uncertainty but also one of innocence. During this era, Effie started to write and fell in love with the written word and recorded snapshots of life during this time. These short stories for some will be a walk down memory lane, for others they will open up windows to a time that can never be experienced again. But, most importantly, they are for everyone to just enjoy.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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