Sinful Purity (Sinful Series Book 1)


Sinful Purity (Sinful Series Book 1)


107 円 (税抜き)

What do you do when the price of perfection is your freedom and everything you’ve ever believed in is a lie? Mary Elizabeth has been a ward of Mary Immaculate Queen Orphanage since she was four. Not remembering anything of her life before her arrival, she dreams of her own identity. Being a willful child, she was punished more than she was praised. In an institution where perfection and conformity is the ultimate goal, Mary Elizabeth yearns to break free of her childhood prison and experience life outside the orphanage’s imposing iron gates. What she’s about to find out, however, is that life is never that simple and that even though we try to let go of our past, sometimes our past won’t let go of us. Attending college for the first time, believing she is finally free Mary Elizabeth is at long last experiencing life and all it has to offer. Liz it seems was never meant to escape her stifling upbringing. Haunted by her past and hunted by shrouded figures bent on malevolence she fights to hold on to her new life and everything she now holds dear. Learning that freedom is nothing more than an elaborate illusion and everything comes with a price. A taut coming-of-age mystery full of relentless tension. Sinful Purity becomes more foreboding with each passing page, attacking our deepest fears and frailties.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
experiencing elaborate yearns conformity remembering