The Cult Calisthenics Exercise Manual


The Cult Calisthenics Exercise Manual


2,429 円 (税抜き)

The Cult Calisthenics Exercise Manual is a fitness book focused on showing people how they can discover self-mastery and gain more strength and control of their bodies than they ever had before using just your bodyweight as resistance! Calisthenics is Ancient Greek meaning beauty and strength and it is the practice of bodily exericses using only gravity as resistance. This book is the first of it's kind to come from Ireland and is written by advanced Calisthenics practitioner Jamie Geraghty. The main aim of the book is to convince others they are capable of greatness and using as exercise as a tool to prove that. Within the book there are eight workouts, starting from the complete beginning of bofyweight training and showing you how you can advance all the way to becoming an advanced bodyweight ninja! The workouts teach you how you can develop to get your first ever push up and progress all the way to a one arm push up! You are also shown how to develop into a single leg squat, a one arm pull-up, a full crab/bridge, and a human flag! Being able to perform all these moves will mean you can describe yourself as a calisthenics ninja! The book also talks about the importance of training philosophy, What Jamie's is and how you can develop your own. How important a role your lifestyle plays in helping you get the best results from your training. The lifestyle section is covered under three sections - exercise, diet and sleep - and it shows you how important the three are and how they need to work in conjuction with each other in order for to become your best. There is also a section on goal setting discussing why it is so important to set goals and how they help you to improve your training. This book also shows you movements that you can work on after the completion of the eight workouts. There are so many extra movements within the world of calisthenics and this book is the perfect example of that. Enter the world of calisthenics and discover for yourself the only limits anybody has are the ones you place upon yourself. It's time to embrace your inner monkey , buy your copy of The Cult Calisthenics Exericse Manual now!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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