Man's Question, God's Answer The Ultimate Counselor's Book


Man's Question, God's Answer The Ultimate Counselor's Book


3,230 円 (税抜き)

Got questions? Need Christian-based answers quickly? Then reach for this easy-to-use, A to Z reference book based on more than 5,000 Scriptures covering over 200 hot topics, including issues that every Christian should be concerned about today. With a unique blend of common sense and practical and biblical wisdom, Lu Ann Bransby addresses many of these concerns, such as how to: Know God's will in everyday matters Learn when and how to say no Overcome sin and reap God's blessings Discuss drugs, sex, and God with your children Make those difficult but crucial decisions Man's Question, God's Answer is a must-have evangelism tool. Keep a copy handy so you can find the proper Christian response to tough situations or problem behaviors.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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