Chasing Dreams A Short Story Collection


Chasing Dreams A Short Story Collection


375 円 (税抜き)

A collection of twenty pieces of short fiction, including five award-winning stories, Chasing Dreams ventures into ー and beyond ー the darkness. A disgraced priest seeks salvation amongst the remains of a drowned village … A strange and fragile young boy grasps for true love … A condemned criminal faces Death in his own domain … Each of the tales in Chasing Dreams crosses over the lines which blur between our world and the next, examining the darkness which hides in the shadows ー and in the hearts of others. Featuring five prize-winning stories, the volume includes tales of horror, crime, folklore, steampunk, flash fiction and psychological drama, resulting in a collection which may unsettle, but which will stay in readers’ minds long after they have finished reading.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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fragile including hearts salvation Chasing