The Water Catchers


The Water Catchers


1,550 円 (税抜き)

‘Someone from your bloodline, your village and water are all closely linked . . .’ Counting out his days through measured buckets of water in the overcrowded, water-deprived city of Mumbai, 11-year-old Chintan aka Chintu leads a somewhat ordinary life. But all of that changes when his grandfather recounts a strange prophecy. The revelation takes him on a quest to his ancestral village, Tintodan, which is parched of rain and plagued by empty taps. Here, a chance meeting with Maahi, a shy girl with mysterious powers, makes him believe that prophecies might come true, after all. Back in Mumbai, Chintu has a run-in with a dreaded gang of bullies at school. This results in an impossible challenge and suddenly, he finds himself heading a major conservation competition that could bring his school prestige and a huge prize! Do these unlikely heroes fulfil the prophecy? Who is the saviour from the bloodline? Does Chintu’s school finally win the contest? Does he defeat the bullies? Discover the magic of water and how it transforms everyone who catches a drop.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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changes defeat parched Someone meeting