No Bended Knee The Battle for Guadalcanal


No Bended Knee The Battle for Guadalcanal


854 円 (税抜き)

“A VIVID NARRATIVE . . . A splendid first-person account of the costly campaign that enabled Allied forces to wrest Guadalcanal from the Japanese in World War II’s Pacific theater.” ーKirkus Reviews “By reading and studying No Bended Knee, the military professional can gain an appreciation for war at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels. Twining writes as he served his corpsーboldly and straightforwardly, with impeccable detail and superb understanding of things strategic.” ーAirpower Journal “A VIEW FROM THE NERVE CENTER COMPLETE WITH TELLING PERSONAL ANECDOTES.” ーJournal Inquirer (Manchester, CT) “Twining adds notably to the literature on Guadalcanal and provides one of the best accounts of war as seen from the perspective of the often maligned yet absolutely indispensable headquarters staff.” ーBooklist “CANDID AND REVEALING.” ーPublishers Weekly画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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PERSONAL professional >Airpower CANDID tactical