The Wisdom of Merlin 7 Magical Words for a Meaningful Life


The Wisdom of Merlin 7 Magical Words for a Meaningful Life


873 円 (税抜き)

A book of advice from Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time Based on an address he gave to students at the University of Oxford in 2013, T.A. Barron, author of the New York Times bestselling Merlin Saga, channels the wizard Merlin and offers advice on how to live a meaningful life. Divided into sections, each revolving around a magical word, this book poetically explores the concepts of Gratitude, Courage, Knowledge, Belief, Wonder, Generosity, Hope, and Love. A gem of inspiration, this is the perfect graduation gift, sure to encourage readers of all ages to live life to the fullest. Praise for The Wisdom of Merlin: "Perfect for a graduate's gift."--Kirkus Reviews画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Perfect Courage revolving Merlin bestselling