A Bride for Dry Creek and Shepherds Abiding in Dry Creek An Anthology


A Bride for Dry Creek and Shepherds Abiding in Dry Creek An Anthology


679 円 (税抜き)

Come home for the holidays with Janet Tronstad A Bride for Dry Creek Undercover agent Flint Harris has no idea he's a married man. Yes, he eloped with Francis Elkton on prom night-but they were told their marriage wasn't legal and parted ways. Now they're back in Dry Creek for a second chance at love. Shepherds Abiding in Dry Creek Did her son steal the shepherd from the church's nativity set? Struggling widow Marla Gossett knows deputy sheriff Les Wilkerson thinks so. But why will tug at their heartstrings. And give everyone a lesson in the meaning of Christmas dreams come true.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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marriage eloped second church chance