The Case Against Man and Woman - Screenplay


The Case Against Man and Woman - Screenplay


1,614 円 (税抜き)

The author's original screenplay on the battle of ideas, the war of world views, and a philosophy on trial. What will be your verdict concerning The Case Against Man and Woman? ...we have never been able to touch the eternal for we have never understood that we can only touch it though each other. A man touches the eternal in a woman when he gives his life to her. That is what the sexual embrace is for a man--he is giving his whole life over to woman. A woman, in receiving that touch, unites with it and, in turn, gives her life to him in the next rebirth of life. You see, the great discovery of our times is that the procreant and the eternal are one. "Urge,urge, urge, always the procreant urge of the world," as Walt Whitman says in his Leaves of Grass. But let us not make the mistake of seeing this procreant process as only physical. It is metaphysical. It is happening right now. Feel it. Feel your other half with you right now. Touch him or her with your heart and never ever let them go. The challenge of our lives is to stand on this procreant love, now and forever.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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