When Love Stumbles How to Rediscover Love, Trust, and Fulfillment in your Relationship


When Love Stumbles How to Rediscover Love, Trust, and Fulfillment in your Relationship


2,956 円 (税抜き)

Discover the 8 Most Common Ways Love Stumbles and What to Do About Them Falling in love is easy. Staying deeply committed to your relationship, even when love stumbles, is the greater challenge. Eight major stumbling blocks can cause even the most passionate couples to drift apart-and chances are, if you're in a committed relationship, you've brushed up against at least a few of these. When Love Stumbles offers a plan for reversing problematic relationship patterns by making simple changes to your everyday habits. You'll find that these small but important steps will help your relationship find its footing once again. Remove the eight major stumbling blocks: ?End disillusionment and find fulfillment ?Banish boredom by adding excitement to your relationship ?Turn destructive conflicts into constructive challenges ?Shift your focus from self-preservation to putting your partner first ?Stop struggling solo and start operating as a team ?Go from feeling like you're on trial to feeling unconditionally loved ?Instead of pursuing outside interests, recommit to each other ?Different dreams? Find common ground in new mutual goals画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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