Paradoxical I Angels & Apparitions


Paradoxical I Angels & Apparitions


131 円 (税抜き)

"Paradoxical I Angels & Apparitions," explores the possibilities of ethereal beings inhabiting our domain. A paradox is a statement or proposition the seems contradictory or absurd...nonetheless, it expresses the possibility of truth. Angels are messengers who convey God's will, sent to us to guide and protect. An apparition is an inexplicable appearance, a ghost, spirit, entity or a demon. Are these things so...or are they something different all together? Visions, sightings, premonitions, prophecies, and unexplained phenomena continue to plague mankind. In an effort to understand and explain what is happening, diverse organizations and religions must unify in their beliefs and sciences. A team of Paranormal researchers, an association for the scientific research of phenomena, and a group of quantum physicists search for answers in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle were many strange occurrences have been documented. However, soon these unnatural events are being reported around the world. Religions concur, including the Roman Catholic diocese, the Navajo Dine', and Haitian Voodooists who implore the Loa and the Saints for knowledge and guidance. A fisherman who lost his brother at sea fifteen years ago, now hears his brother calling to him from a portal in the sky. Dr. Brenda Highland, a paranormal psychologist, unknowingly opens a gateway to another dimension unleashing strange beings into our world. A voodoo Asogwe, a priest, and a Navajo Hatalli, medicine man, join forces in their knowledge of spiritualism and mysticism, to gain insight as to what these paranormal occurrences mean to the Earth, and all that inhabit it. Gateways open, dimensions overlap, and worlds seem on a course of collision. What will happen if these portals open, and beings from other worlds inhabit ours? The messages from beyond our reality are clear. Mankind must unify to understand these happenings. "For in the lived truth of creation and the mystical forces of the universe and beyond...there is the unspoken terror of everything above, beneath, beyond, and within!"画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
worlds brother Catholic messages together