Mike the Moose Master of Marbles


Mike the Moose Master of Marbles


399 円 (税抜き)

Mike the Moose, Master of Marbles, won’t tell his story to justanyone. It helps if you are solidly pro-moose and see no reason inthe natural world why moose and man can’t live together in a harmoniousfamily.If assured of your position, Mike might let slip some juicy detailsof his adventures. Maybe how his first trip to a mall brought the policeand how he wound up in a trash can. Or what the head of NASAsays about him, and the spaceship to Mars, and the DANGERS hefaced. Mike’s still galactically annoyed at his human sister Carrie forthat one.The easiest way to get Mike talking is to ask about his medal: hissuper shiny one from the State Department, after his encounter withGeneralissimo Alfonso Ramonito Crakov del Buston, leader of theSpanish underworld. Mike insists he planned the entire mission tosave America. Press him, and maybe, he’ll admit to a bit of help fromhis mom and top agent, Harry Malone. But the way Mike tells it, themission was run by a moose.Well c’mon, the Commander in Chief was impressed enough togive Mike one of THE most special, extraterrestrial gifts ever offeredto man or moose!Mike would be the first to confirm that he is as brilliant, courageous,and handsome as they say - especially when he stretches hisantlers ? but he’ll insist he isn’t trying to be Supermoose. All hewants is to revel in his new-found family and play marbles with Carrie.(You do know that Mike is just about the most famous expert onmarbles on the planet, right?) But what’s a curious mooseling to dowhen duty calls?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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entire mission together solidly annoyed