Paleo: A Beginner’s Guide Contemporary Caveman's Footpath to Radiant Health


Paleo: A Beginner’s Guide Contemporary Caveman's Footpath to Radiant Health


393 円 (税抜き)

Are you intrigued by the Paleo Diet, but unsure that a regular person, like yourself, could succeed on it? If so, this book is for you. Written by a two year Paleo veteran, Contemporary Caveman's Pathway to Radiant Health is an extremely practical, down-to-earth “how-to” manual. The book nails down topics like, “What if I can't afford to buy all organic food?” and, “Is it ever okay for me to cheat?” The author shed 25 pounds and abolished low blood sugar issues on a very modest budgetーa budget that did not permit the “I eat organic everything” lifestyle. It shouldn't be just the wealthy who enjoy good health! Read Contemporary Caveman's Pathway to Radiant Health and find out how the rest of us can savor a Paleo Diet triumph.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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