Peaches of Immortality


Peaches of Immortality


119 円 (税抜き)

When his wife dies under mysterious circumstances, Glen is plunged back into a mystery from long ago in high school: a quartet of popular teens who couldn't fail at anything. And with one of them seemingly intent on coaxing him to bed, will he succumb and taste the sweetness of the peaches of immortality? In this short story, which originally appeared as "The Immortality Game" in Lightspeed Magazine and was reprinted in collection Eyes Like Sky and Coal and Moonlight, Rambo displays her usual ability to create a believable and compelling world with a few deft touches. A master storyteller, she explores and re-invents Golden Age stories.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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plunged popular sweetness school storyteller