Specialist Floor Finishes Design and Installation


Specialist Floor Finishes Design and Installation


10,016 円 (税抜き)

For as long as concretes have been used as substrates there has been a need for upgrading the immediate working surface, in some instances nominally, in others substantially. This in itself has presented problems because of the inexact nature of the art and the conditions under which upgrading is required to be performed, not to mention the variety of surfaces and products. The aim of this book is to highlight the best parameters for success and to provide the reader with a comprehensive introduction to the subject. The extensive coverage does not stray into unnecessary polymer science, but concentrates on the materials available and their particular advantages. Emphasis is placed upon successful preparation and maintenance and an insight into floor design is provided.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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