Solving the Technology Challenge for IT Managers: Technologies That IT Managers Can Use In Order to Make Their Teams More Productive


Solving the Technology Challenge for IT Managers: Technologies That IT Managers Can Use In Order to Make Their Teams More Productive


1,301 円 (税抜き)

As an IT manager you understand the value of technology. It's what provides our teams with the tools that we can use to accomplish great things for our company. The challenge that we run into is that technology is always changing. This means that as an IT manager you have a responsibility to stay on top of all of the various technologies that your team will be called on to make use of. This includes Web 3.0 technologies, things that work in the world of retail shopping, and the latest developments in keeping those cyber criminals out of your company's networks. What You'll Find Inside: * Maybe it is Time for IT Leaders to Go Shopping to Learn New Tricks * Just Whose Job Is Network Security Anyway? * Why Cloud Computing Won’t Work For Every IT Project * IT Managers Need to Realize that Virtualization Isn’t All That It’s Cracked Up to Be Our jobs are by their very nature complex. We need to understand what the company expects of us ? are we the ones who are responsible for securing the company network or does this task belong to someone else? As more and more services become available to us, we are the ones that the company will turn to in order to determine what on-demand services need to be acquired. As we create solutions, we'll need to understand when open source solutions may provide us with the best technology. Cloud computing is a hot topic, but we need to be able to determine if it's right for our company. Finally, virtualization is currently in vogue but is it the right answer in every situation? This book has been created to provide you with the insights into today's latest technologies that you are going to need in order to direct your team. The goal is to provide you with the knowledge that you are going to need in order to determine what technology to use in what situation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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