Have I Lost My Marbles


Have I Lost My Marbles


218 円 (税抜き)

Eddie Hall, the grumpy author who brought you "A Certain Point of View" and "Let me Just Say" (available in paperback and eBook), returns with an exclusive mini eBook of rants. In this book, Eddie asks many more insightful questions like why opticians insist on inventing new ways of humiliating people as well as offer more insightful opinions like how to avoid getting shot in South African toilets and how the human race is a bit like herpes. This book contains a small number of the lost rants written after the release of the last mainstream book. Since no more full length books will be written it seemed a shame not to share these dour opinionated views with the world, so here they are in all their short glory...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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