Dead Eyes: A Tale From The Zombie Plague


Dead Eyes: A Tale From The Zombie Plague


261 円 (税抜き)

When the dead came back to life to attack the living, humanity was not prepared. Faced with an impossible situation, the government and leaders quickly abandoned their posts. Civilisation crumbled and the undead feasted. A lone survivor travels across the countryside, fighting to stay alive day by day. But the clock is ticking. It won't be long before he turns blind, a genetic abnormality passed down from his father and his grandfather before him. He must find somewhere safe to survive before the blindness leaves him sightless in the land of the dead. But the undead are not all they seem to be. They are changing, becoming deadlier, more efficient feeding machines. Driven by an insatiable hunger that grows more desperate with each day that passes. The survivor has only one hope. Find a way to escape the infested zone. If not, he will be left to helpless to fend off the zombies that want to feast on his flesh. The first in a series of heart stopping horror adventure novellas, Dead Eyes grabs hold and does not let go.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
abnormality leaves stopping Civilisation series