Bassist's Bible How to Play Every Bass Style from Afro-Cuban to Zydeco


Bassist's Bible How to Play Every Bass Style from Afro-Cuban to Zydeco


2,471 円 (税抜き)

Newly enhanced with embedded audio and video tracks, the incredible versatility of the bass guitar is revealed in this newly revised, all-inclusive style guide. Each chapter covers particular styles or families of styles, gradually introducing players to techniques that will allow them to get the most out of their instruments and easilyincrease their bass repertoire. More than 400 bass grooves are presented in standard percussion notation, along with 192 embedded audio grooves. The book also includes helpful information on the development of all styles covered. All musical samples in this updated edition are in both standard notation and tablature and the style histories, bibliography, and discography are up to date. The book also includes 50 new grooves and 93 embedded videos of the proper way to play the examples.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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musical revised discography enhanced incredible