Enlightened: Light vs. Dark


Enlightened: Light vs. Dark


523 円 (税抜き)

After months of covert travel from Light clan to Light clan, Alina lands in peril--not at the hands of The Dark but among her “allies” at The Light’s High Command. Caught in a dangerous game of politics and protocol, she doesn’t know whom to trust as she struggles to fit in. She’s not alone. An old enemy finds himself in an equally precarious position. To save himself he must destroy her, a task he finds increasingly difficult to do. As both struggle on separate paths of self-discovery, hidden truths are revealed and battle lines are drawn. Sides must be chosen, even at the risk of losing their lives. This is Book 2 in the Light vs. Dark series.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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dangerous position series precarious equally