Intrathecal Drug Therapy for Spasticity and Pain Practical Patient Management


Intrathecal Drug Therapy for Spasticity and Pain Practical Patient Management


12,154 円 (税抜き)

INTRATHECAL DRUG THERAPY FOR SPASTICITY AND PAIN is a practical manual for nurses and physician assistants who use Intrathecal Drug Infusion for treating patients suffering from spasticity and chronic pain. This book supplies users of this new technology with the information they need to utilize it effectively, including pump mechanics and the pharmacology of drug delivery. No other book of its kind exists, and its users at the over 100 facilities that use implanted drug delivery have relied solely on the pump manufacturer's manuals. The authors are from a leading center for research and applied use of these pumps and, working with Dr. Richard Penn, have spent years developing the skills necessary to utilize this system efficiently. Dr. Penn, who writes the Foreword, has personally implanted over 3000 pumps.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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necessary skills manual facilities including