There Is No 'Other': Ego vs. Heart - The Channeled Wisdom of Osiris, Ra, and Thoth


There Is No 'Other': Ego vs. Heart - The Channeled Wisdom of Osiris, Ra, and Thoth


483 円 (税抜き)

Countless spiritual masters from a variety of traditions and backgrounds encourage us to drop the ego and drop into the heart. From the comfort of a favorite chair or meditation cushion, that sounds like wonderful advice. Accessible. Sensible. Worthwhile. But how do we put that advice into practice when someone cuts us off in traffic? When the house is burning down? When suffering, sickness, tragedy and death are what we perceive on a daily basis? How do we learn to distinguish the inner wisdom of the Heart from the voice of the ego? There Is No Other: Ego vs Heart reveals the stark contrast between the wisdom of the Heart and the petty, tyrannical demands of the ego. In this no-holds-barred look at recognizing how to release misperception, the author takes the reader on a ride through everything from the sacred to the profane; from the comical to the tragic. Throughout this ride, the channeled energies of Osiris, Ra, and Thoth point to the truth over and over again the truth that what we perceive through the human senses is not reality. Reality is Love. Love is Life. And Life is Timeless. Your True Identity is Timeless.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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