The Self-Sabotage Guide 9 Behaviors Preventing You from Becoming Stronger, Faster, And Sexier


The Self-Sabotage Guide 9 Behaviors Preventing You from Becoming Stronger, Faster, And Sexier


1,130 円 (税抜き)

I was inspired to write this book after reading the “War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. The theme of “The War of Art” is to help the reader identify different forms of distractions (referenced as resistance in the book), which prevent us from being productive members of society. So what exactly is resistance? Well, resistance is a “force” that convinces you to watch a “Jersey Shore” marathon on a Saturday afternoon instead of finishing that basement remodel you began working on last year. It is also the same force which allows you to spend hours on Facebook looking at people’s random photos instead of finishing your presentation or going to the gym. Make no mistake about it, resistance is an extremely powerful force, therefore, it is imperative that we learn how to clearly identify resistance; as you must first be able to recognize your enemies before you can defeat them! Unfortunately, the battle with resistance is never ending; however these daily battles can be conquered if we know the rules of the game! So after reading “The War of Art,” I became inspired to look at the reasons why people self-sabotage (resistance) their health and fitness goals! As the current owner and head trainer of both CKO Seattle and 2.0 Next Level Fitness, I have had the privilege to speak with thousands of people about their fitness goals and these conversations have taught me a lot about the “fitness consumer” thought process. So why write about a negative force like self-sabotage instead of a positive “you can do this” type of book? Well because everyone knows how to achieve great results in the health and fitness world, take a second to think about it - yes that’s right, workout and eat healthy on a consistent basis. It is really that simple, however, very few individuals are able to keep this pattern for any significant amount of time. For many, resistance seems to be too strong of a force. And that is why I want to discuss the most common self-sabotaging behaviors in the fitness world, as it is my hope and inspiration that once you are able to recognize these behaviors you will eventually be able to overcome resistance!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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resistance defeat conquered eventually random