



392 円 (税抜き)

"I wish you'd write all this down Robert. I can't keep it all in my head." A number of my clients had urged me on like that. I would often dash off the response “It’s just so simple” before I realized that it was simple for me, but hidden in a kind of mental fog for them. That we create our individual experience from within is ‘just that simple’. But such a simple idea loads up most people with too much responsibility. We don’t mind making lunch, but we can mind a lot when it is suggested that we might be making the other events served up as our daily life. Yet it seemed to me that any event was a bit like lunch. Prepared, chopped, mixed, flavored and all served up for us with hardly any awareness of the true nature of the ingredients or their source. Whatever is going on, remember that it happened from us first. If we don’t like the results then it will likely feel and appear to be happening to us. IMAGINEERING is what happens! Don't fall for the great and ghastly story that life is an accident in a random universe in which you are helpless. Don't buy into the fairy tale where the only power resides outside you and beyond your call. That creative power is personal and is always within your immediate reach. There are only a few fundamentals involved in being human and alive on the planet. It doesn’t really matter which letter is sewn to our tee shirt, scribbled beside our birth date or fretted about in the media. You can be a triple ‘X’, you can ask 'Y’ or be a ‘Zed’ head. All generations are looking for the same things no matter how varied they appear. A wise teacher once told me "everyone just needs to be healthy, horny and happy”. Well anyway… it seemed to be very wise when I heard it as a young man. Then as time passed I actually saw that each of these ideas was primarily the same. They were each a question of energy and awareness. When we are lacking in energy real health eludes us. If we don’t feel natural desires and drives then we must be some kind of weird Saint, or deluded and divided within. Of course if we have not achieved ‘healthy’ and ‘horny’ then there’s a good chance that what we have achieved is ‘unhappiness’. We are all creative individuals first and last. I hope this book will help you reach inside and take hold of your gift deliberately and use it to your great advantage. Robert 2015画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
remember matter making before random