Madame Bovary - English Version


Madame Bovary - English Version


1,199 円 (税抜き)

Madame Bovary (1856) is considered the French writer Gustave Flaubert's masterpiece. The story focuses on a doctor's wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means. When it was first serialized in "La Rue de Paris", the novel was attacked for obscenity by public prosecutors. The resulting trial made the story notorious. After Flaubert's acquittal, Madame Bovary became a bestseller. As a provocative tale of passion and self-delusions, Madame Bovary remains a milestone in European fiction. Madame Bovary has been adapted into several movies, like the 1949 version, directed by Vincente Minelli, and the most recent, directed by Sophie Barthes (2014). See the movie. Read the book. Madame Bovary integrates the collection "Classics of World Literature", developed by Atl?ntico Press, a publisher company present in the global editorial market, since 1992.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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developed bestseller adapted acquittal notorious