The Midas Kiss


The Midas Kiss


393 円 (税抜き)

The 1890s. The United States is suffering the worst economic depression in its history. A factory job would pay one dollar for a ten hour day, if one was lucky enough to find one. Seeking salvation, the country goes on a monetary gold standard. Tens of thousands of men are caught up in a national hysteria - the search for gold. Marie, rebellious daughter of a noveau riche, domineering mother, and Jon, charismatic son of moderate means immigrants meet. Both facing a predestined, circumscribed life neither wants. They marry and begin their quest for independence and freedom they both cherish. Drawn into the gold seeking frenzy, they find that while the supply of gold is limited, the desire of humans for gold and what they will do to obtain it, is unlimited. Their search, with periods of elation and despair, never waivers and they hold fast to their dream of receiving The Midas Kiss.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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daughter rebellious history salvation Seeking