Sentenced To Life


Sentenced To Life


660 円 (税抜き)

It’s the Monday morning after you’ve graduated college. Where are you? Did you wake up in your childhood bed to the sound of your parents voices downstairs? So did Chelsea Carlton and many of the millions of other recent college graduates. Chelsea spent four years under the guise of security, brought on by too much California sunshine and years of unbridled encouragementーbut after one short walk across the stage, she is yanked from her fairytale existence and delivered a sobering dose of reality. Her life, which was once well-ordered and promising, begins to unravel. Now jobless, she is forced to move back to her hometown and her unrequited summer love, Chris. Then as quickly as their relationship ended, he’s back in her life, ready to start fresh. Will she let him back into her life and risk another broken heart or take a chance on love with an old friend? Should she continue to pursue her dreams, or will she accept that her dreams will never become realities? With so many different paths to choose, she’s forced to make decisions that will forever change her future.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
Monday hometown fairytale -ordered existence