Modelling Degradation of Bioresorbable Polymeric Medical Devices


Modelling Degradation of Bioresorbable Polymeric Medical Devices


21,255 円 (税抜き)

The use of bioresorbable polymers in stents, fixation devices and tissue engineering is revolutionising medicine. Both industry and academic researchers are interested in using computer modelling to replace some experiments which are costly and time consuming. This book provides readers with a comprehensive review of modelling polymers and polymeric medical devices as an alternative to practical experiments. Chapters in part one provide readers with an overview of the fundamentals of biodegradation. Part two looks at a wide range of degradation theories for bioresorbable polymers and devices. The final set of chapters look at advances in modelling biodegradation of bioresorbable polymers. This book is an essential guide to those concerned with replacing tests and experiments with modelling. Provides a comprehensive mathematical framework for computer modelling of polymers and polymeric medical devices that can significantly reduce the number of experiments needed Reviews the fundamental methods of modelling degradation, and applies these to particular materials including amorphous bioresorbable polyesters, semicrystalline biodegradable polyesters, and composite materials made of biodegradable polyesters and triclcium phosphates 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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devices polyesters needed mathematical computer