The Believers: The Hidden World of West Indian Spiritualism in New York


The Believers: The Hidden World of West Indian Spiritualism in New York


733 円 (税抜き)

An account of secret initiations into the occult. Late night ceremonies, spirit possessions, and conversations with entities from other worlds. These true encounters offfer a rare glimpse into New York communities that will surprise you. Voodoo, Hinduism's occult side and West Indian Kabbalah are detailed in this revealing and educational chronicle. Poet Laureate and author, Eintou Springer, writes on this fascinating book: "There is much that is covered here that has not beed previously elucidated...The discussion and arguments that will be engendered will assist in lifting the veil of hypocrisy and pretense that attend these (occult) practices....."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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