The Petticoat Dominant or; A Woman's Revenge


The Petticoat Dominant or; A Woman's Revenge


235 円 (税抜き)

In the grand tradition of Stays & Gloves and Gynecocracy comes a wonderfully subversive tale of cross-dressing and female domination. When well-bred young gentleman Charles takes liberties with his private tutor, his rich family is intent on relocating him to a private centre where two strict Mistress will school using all manner of shame-inducing chastisements. Through enforced tight-lacing and and application of high heels, rod, and birch, our wayward protagonist awakens to a level of sensuality and sexual liberation previously unknown. Pseudonymously written by M. Le Compte Du Bouleau (Stanislas de Rhodes, the author of the licentious masterpiece The Autobiography of a Flea also available from Locus Elm Press), this gem of Victorian flagellatory erotica is a must for those interested in discipline, humiliation, and the inevitable ecstasies that flow therefrom.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
enforced Victorian manner female discipline