Anam Cara: Your Soul Friend and Bridge to Enlightenment and Creativity


Anam Cara: Your Soul Friend and Bridge to Enlightenment and Creativity


733 円 (税抜き)

Anam Cara is a Celtic term meaning, 'Soul Friend.' In the days of the Druids, an Anam Cara served as a confidante, an advisor and confessor. This book reintroduces the power of having a 'soul friend.' Today, we can enjoy this spiritual benefit. A soulf friend listens, understands and is never judgemental. By clearing one's conscience, learning to let go, forgive, and atone, we experience the magical power of our soul. We are reborn and begin to realize our potential. This book teaches us how we can transform our lives by following simple but powerful teachings. Eric Ober, media consultant and former President of CBS News writes: "This is a truly inspirational book on overcoming inhibitions and roadblocks in order that we maximize our creativity and quality of life." University lecturer, Dr Jerome Teelucksingh says, "This unique publication will benefit persons who seek to rid themselves of emotional baggage and attain a peacful mind."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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peacful having benefit themselves listens