John Scalzi is Not a Rapist


John Scalzi is Not a Rapist


396 円 (税抜き)

John B.R.M. Scalzi, science fiction legend, up to 147-time Hugo nominee, several time SFWA president, world-adventuring gender-neutral alpha male, charming raconteur, and prominent not-rapist has long been dogged by baseless accusations of being a man who likes to force himself on women. Claims alleging that in fact, he, John Scalzi is a rapist. First put forward by some unknown fool who took hold of John’s own keyboard, and relentlessly perpetuated for several years by infamous purged SFWA member Vox Day, these completely false, yet enticing claims have recently been lengthened and hardened, to throbbing proportions, and in tantalizing detail, by misguided fan Alexa Eren. Accusations, allegations, and unindicted co-rumors of rapism have insistently pounded upon Mr. Scalzi’s life long enough. Now at last, the great grand master of SFF breaks his long self-imposed silence, and speaks in his own defense. This very intimate first edition includes a foreword by the SFF luminaries of the Special Bear Club.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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gender allegations unindicted silence dogged