Parenting And Disciplining Strong Willed Children: Advanced Parenting Techniques For Defiant Children!


Parenting And Disciplining Strong Willed Children: Advanced Parenting Techniques For Defiant Children!


313 円 (税抜き)

The word discipline can have some negative connotations associated with it. When it comes to parenting, discipline is used to civilize your children. Discipline does not have to be a bad thing. It can be a fun and awarding time for you to show your child what the limits of their behavior are. All children are different, and not all discipline styles will work for every child. So if you are looking for a quick fix solution to help your child grows as an individual. I am sorry. Finding the right discipline style for your child or children is a trial and error process. On this book you'll learn how to go about this systematically both for average children, including the super stubborn, strong willed kids! ================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= What is Your Discipline Style? The Drill Sergeant vs. The Pushover How to become a Golden Disciplinarian Reward Good Behavior Clarify Your Rules State The Purpose The "I Know" Neutralizer Redirect Your Kids Attentions Give Them Options Have A Conversation, Not A Lecture Actions and Not Words Model Good Behavior End The Day on a Positive Note Bow to Their Eye Level How To Eliminate Spanking as a Viable Option Choose Not To Spank Tell The Village Learn About Childhood Development Vary Your Techniques Use Natural Consequences: Distractions: Logical Consequences: The Reward System: Positive Discipline: The Point System: Keep At It Keep Track of Behavior How To Condition Your Children's Behavior Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Types of Punishments Positive Punishments Negative Punishments Types of Reinforcements Positive Reinforcements Negative Reinforcements How Reign in Strong Willed Children Balance Your Authority with Your Child's Independence Hone Your Detective Skills Get Your Child's Input Always Find A Positive Side of Bad Behavior Put A Stop To Hitting Listen To Your Child画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>Balance limits Pushover solution discipline