Animals Don't Pray


Animals Don't Pray


1,026 円 (税抜き)

THE PREMIER NOVEL BY MICHAEL REINWALD WHO CURRENTLY RESIDES IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC LIVING AN ORDINARY AND PRIVATE LIFE. From the upper class suburbs of Connecticut to the jungles of Peru, Wolfgang Klein is trapped in a society he already despises. He takes us on a transcontinental journey of counterfeit decadence, scams and life lessons so painful they prove to be kindling for the bonfire of anger and self-hatred already brewing inside. As he struggles to keep his pockets filled, he never knows if he is the predator or prey. Wolfgang is a modern day Bukowski, a lightweight William S. Burroughs, a gypsy vagrant running from one city to the next in search of life’s most ultimate high. In a search fueled by designer drugs and beautiful women, Wolfgang finally lays it all out to read. This is the stuff that might have fed his dreams one day. With police charges piling up fast and nasty habits out of control, he is living with the pedal to the metal and no limits. And he’s never looking back. No matter how far he runs, no matter what speed and for however long, Wolfgang finds himself pursued by the worst enemy of all. Himself.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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LIVING PREMIER charges limits matter