The New Crusades


The New Crusades


472 円 (税抜き)

Wally, a scenery photographer, stumbles upon a dead woman in the woods off the Bruce Trail, near Ball's Falls. The woman is the victim of an honour-killing committed by her own brother, Aamir. He escapes arrest by fleeing to Syria and becoming part of ISIS. Two detectives bring the parents to trial for being complicit, but are frustrated by not being able to arrest Aamir. Little do they know that he intends to come back to Canada, under a false passport, to continue "unfinished business." Wally binds the whole story together, as his feelings about Islam and his own Christianity are exploded. He becomes cynical about all religions, even his own, and yet, finds some internal need for them. The novel evolves in the form of a diary and a blog, and includes actual news events, especially during that difficult month of October 2014, with Kobane under siege. Patrice Vincent is killed by an Islamic terrorist, and finally Cpl. Nathan Cirillo is shot dead at Canada's War Memorial in Ottawa.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
brother together -killing Islamic unfinished