These sermons, ‘Words of Life, Light and Love’, are some of many sermons still blessing the life of Effie Munday, widow of Rev. Dr. Albert John Munday, 1928-2001. John enjoyed serving God as teacher and preacher for over 50 years. First, as primary school teacher, then as Pastor, and Director of Christian Education & Youth for Queensland Baptist Churches. All of this following 6 years’ training at Melbourne Bible Institute and New South Wales Baptist Theological College. The family migrated to America after John completed his B.A. (1 year) to pursue his education, where he earned M.Div.(2 years) and received a Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, December, 1971. Once completed, the family returned home ‘to help Australian churches develop Christian Education programs’! But alas, no Baptist College was ready for that challenge and he accepted lectureship in a State institution, serving 16 years in what is now Griffith University. This visionary man took early retirement at age 59, ‘to help a group start a Christian University with a Biblical Worldview’. Sadly, they failed. At 43, John knew great fulfilment as he along with Effie, and their 2 daughters, Ruth and Stephanie, led a small church in growth and service while educating his students to qualify as teachers. He was a worker-pastor, a tentmaker like Paul, and his passions were preaching and teaching, especially children, in numerous Vacation Bible Schools! Of his tentmaker role he laconically explained, ‘I can’t ‘not preach’!’ Many of these sermons were preached to his beloved Chinese congregation in the last 3 years of his ministry. John Munday loved and served the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Founder of a world religion Who rose from death and promised to return to Judge the world He created! Read, reflect, respond and be revived in a personal relationship with Him, through these Words of Life, Light and Love.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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