What Am I?


What Am I?


131 円 (税抜き)

Danny Parker is plagued by recollections of life before birth. Yet with every passing year, memories of his soul's past slip from him until he encounters counterpart souls that share the intangible bond of being the Tsaddikim Nistarim. Jewish mysticism has it that together these souls prevent God from destroying the earth. As they seek to tame their given powers, Danny (water), Jade (wind), Todd (fire), and Quinn (earth) attempt to answer the question burning in in their inmost being, "What am I?" Explore the origins of souls before life as we know it with the help of a rag tag crew of "Super Freaks." It's sarcastic, witty humor, action-packed adventures, soul mates, and sensual delights all rolled into one. It's an apocalyptic tale unlike no other.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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