The Diamond Ring Effect


The Diamond Ring Effect


421 円 (税抜き)

After a horrible accident a year ago, Roy is left to care for his disabled mother. A job he does without thought of reward. Unfortunately, he is also very lonely. Caring for his mother takes up all of his time. What’s more, his father has retreated into his work and no longer has the time to even talk to Roy. Then one night everything changes. Man’s first contact is made and it’s Roy who has been chosen. But why him? Roy would rather spend his nights dreaming about Hamish then having to accept a request of help from strange beings from another planet. But that’s just what’s happened. Roy must do something for the aliens, something that will mean confronting his father at his work. What exactly does his Dad do for a living that’s so important to these aliens? As far as Roy is concerned his father is a nobody, just like him. When the night is through, Roy’s life will never be the same. But something more important than that, he may get his mother back and his dream man in the process…if only he can talk to his father.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
longer changes contact beings dreaming