Kilted Cowboys


Kilted Cowboys


395 円 (税抜き)

Recently widowed, Mary MacLeod finds herself alone in a place she's called home for fifteen years. Rather than crumbling in despair, Martha sells her Montana ranch, deciding to travel. Ending up in Scotland as her older sister Rae had, Martha finds the strength to move her life forward. Never one to do things small, Martha purchases an old, long abandoned Scottish manor house and begins to renovate the old structure. Enter Edward MacDonald...opinionated, deliciously handsome, and cocky, with a dark past and secrets. He is also titled, something that was never to have been his. Edward is stunned when he finds out the neighboring land and house have been sold to a loud mouthed, know-it-all woman. What he finds when he peels away her harsh exterior is an intelligent, savvy, good hearted woman. One who unexpectedly steals his heart. Martha finds Edward irritating, arrogant, and charming. Everything her late husband, Tom wasn't. She finds herself at odds with her own feelings...the softer, more feminine ones she develops for this cocky Scotsman. Oil and water don't mix? Can these two make it happen? Has Edward finally found the one thing in life that's always eluded him? And can Martha learn to love in a way she never thought possible?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
always MacDonald called arrogant widowed