The adventures of the young Ragnor take you into the remote world of the planet Makar. Accompanied by two moons, it solitarily circles around a red sun. In this medieval-oriented world, which isn’t inhabited by humans only, the young man, whose origin is unknown at first, experiences various adventures. At the same time, the quasar magic of Ama’s guardians, the paladins of light, play an increasingly more important part in his life. Gradually, Ragnor learns to gain control over this mystic magic. The young man desperately needs this power, because the demonic army under the leadership of Ximon, the god of darkness, is already lurking at the portals of the underworld. These demons are eagerly waiting for the opportunity to attack the inhabitants of Makar. In the second volume of the saga, Ragnor is traveling together with his friends through the Kingdom Caer in order to start his knighthood training in the far Countship Kaarborg. During this journey, he learns a lot about his own self and his homeland. However, he has painful experiences as well, how much it hurts to lose a beloved person. After he finally arrives at his destination, he realizes that the aristocrats disapprove of him, the commoner. Therefore, he feels constrained to show the arrogant nobles clearly what he is made of. I hope that the English-speaking readers will enjoy reading this book as much as the German-speaking readers do.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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