The Mysterious Moustachioed Mademoiselles of Le Meurice


The Mysterious Moustachioed Mademoiselles of Le Meurice


1,033 円 (税抜き)

Avery, Ella, and Sadie Hope-three stair-step sisters-visit Paris and stay at the oh so elegant Hotel Le Meurice with their grandmother, Mimi, and grandfather, Papa. Why do the girls NOT want to go the Louvre? Not even the Eiffel Tower? Not even (aghast) to ride the Tuileries carousel… or go shopping?! Because they have a new passion moustaches, of all things! Not only do they create them, they actually wear them… as well as tease, taunt, and (dare I say it?) SHOCK the staff with their upper lip antics! Where do all these moustache shenanigans lead? Mais oui! You just won’t believe!!!!This fun and playful book will charm and entertain children of all ages. Everyone can relate to the boredom of a rainy day and the mischief it can lead to! This book embraces the Bluffton Books’ themes of charm, joy, humor, loveliness, discovery and blessings, - in a one-of-a-kind title that will make the perfect gift.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Eiffel aghast themes Louvre passion