Hearts of Darkness Torturing Children in the War on Terror


Hearts of Darkness Torturing Children in the War on Terror


6,536 円 (税抜き)

George W. Bush's war on terror defended torture as a matter of official policy and furthered an already emergent culture of cruelty. As torture became normalized in the Bush era, it not only corrupted American ideals and political culture, it also passed over to the dark side in sanctioning the unimaginable and unspeakable: the torture of children. This shocking book documents cases of child torture by American military personnel, many of which have never been reported in the media. Giroux raises serious challenges the Obama administration must address in light of this shameful period in American history if it wants to restore democratic culture. Going further than simply blaming those at the top, Hearts of Darkness also raises questions about the collusion of the media, educators, the criminal justice system and other institutions that have enabled a culture that accepts the torture of children.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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official matter Hearts unspeakable shocking