Attorneys: The Art of Public Speaking


Attorneys: The Art of Public Speaking


340 円 (税抜き)

“All the world’s a stage…” Attorneys are actors, stage center - the lead role in a life drama. But, in court, the moment you dread, step into the spotlight ? you’re on! Your mouth is dry, hands sweat, memory blanks, feet stuck - stage fright hits hard. This is normal. Most people are not born performers. Attorneys are required to appear calm in the spot light, stage center ? but, what if you make a mistake….? How can you look good? Actors live through “stage fright” ? you can too. As an attorney your role is to act trustworthy, in control ? your clients must believe in you. Control: stage fright, shaky voice, gestures, breathing, sweating, blank mind, dry throat, bathroom needs, and distractions. Here are suggestions what to wear in court - the best “costume” for that audience. Subtle strategies - eye contact, voice inflection to influence the court and frustrate the opposition ? all exceed audience expectations. In the issue of gender, the public sees male and female attorneys ? the roles are the same, but the acting - the delivery - is different. There are “tricks” only a man can use to influence the court and, at times, female attorneys have impressive leverage. Use all the advantages you can! I’ve been there; I’ve done it - as an opera singer. You think presenting a case is hard? Try hitting a high C in front of a thousand critics and know you’ll die if you miss! Everything in this book - control nerves for a stellar performance ? works!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
impressive gender control required audience