Galon the Northern Pintail Duck


Galon the Northern Pintail Duck


806 円 (税抜き)

Galon the Northern Pintail Duck is the story about a duck who lives at a pond with all the animals from the pond, surrounding woods and the local farm. Through the stories Galon interacts with the animals and introduces you to each one of the characters in the book. Tadpole shows Galon his courage and Timmy the turtle teaches Galon to skip stones across the pond. Each animal in the book has his own character and walks through the stories with Galon giving him more insight into the current problem or experience he is tackling. The series of books has Galon traveling through various experiences and shows him, or the characters in the book, tackling modern problems the children of today are facing. The idea is to reach out to the 5 to 10 year olds and help them through the eyes of Galon. Galon the Northern Pintail Duck book has to do with Galon losing his parents before he was hatched and not having a family like the rest of the animals. He has to learn what a family really is. In this book many of the main characters around the pond are introduced to the book series. Each character has their own personality and you soon love the characters through the illustrations and story.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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