The Black Tents of Arabia My Life Amongst the Bedouins


The Black Tents of Arabia My Life Amongst the Bedouins


10,016 円 (税抜き)

Published originally in 1935, this is an account of twenty two years spent, off and on, among the Bedouins of Arabia, migrating, hunting, raiding, starving, feasting and making wonderful desert friendships. The author writes the book for 'the Lord of his fathers,' the king of Arabia 'Abdel-' Aziz ibn Sa'ud el Wahhab and his governors and chiefs in Neijd, Hasa, Jauf, and Kaf and Amir Nuri Sha'lan, his family and tribe of the Ruala. An intimate account of the tradition and ancestors of the Bedouin.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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