Much Ado About Everything Oration on the Dignity of the Novelist


Much Ado About Everything Oration on the Dignity of the Novelist


239 円 (税抜き)

Much Ado About Everything is Gary Amdahl's full-throated defense of the novel as a technology of mystery, means by which we might second-handedly engage not only (as one of Amdahl's exemplary figures memorably put it) "nothing that is not there but also the nothing that is." Amdahl's energetic style, his restless interrogation of criticism today, and his willingness to break, burn, blow, and make language his own, create an essay that is at once a call to arms and an affirmation of the value of literature in the 21st century. “Amdahl is one whose gifts are staggering and hard-won. The stories relate, by the way of guts through grace, the wholeness of a novel too good for mere philosophy. Gary Amdahl knows sports, men, women, and dogs, thank God, so thoroughly as to make them myth. Camus comes to mind: thought with extreme muscle.” ーBarry Hannah画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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language Hannah Amdahl extreme engage