Enough About You The Narcissist's 7-Step, 1-Minute Survival Guide to Sacred Spirituality, A Self-Empowered Career, and Highly Effective Relationships


Enough About You The Narcissist's 7-Step, 1-Minute Survival Guide to Sacred Spirituality, A Self-Empowered Career, and Highly Effective Relationships


1,159 円 (税抜き)

The Complete Narcissist's Guide Mimi E. Gotist delivers a gift for our times: practical, simple guidance to help you cope with the self-loving people in your life-while nurturing your own inner narcissist. At once utterly self-absorbed, and charmingly aware of it, Gotist offers advice on: Dating: You're not looking for the person you want to marry -- you're looking for the person you want to change Career: Don't work -- work it Spirituality: Me Here Now Personal Growth: You can't help anyone who won't help you 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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